By Sheikh (Prince) Suleman Momoh 
Mosques can be found everywhere in Islamic countries. In terms of their architecture and history; mosques make very appealing tourist attractions. Here’s what you need to know if visiting a mosque for the purpose of tourism.

Inform yourself about the meaning of mosques

Muslims believe that every mosque is a house of God. In these houses they pray, read the Holy Qur’an, take lessons about Islam, tell morals from the stories of the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and ask about each others’ wellbeing. Muslims work together to keep the mosque clean, ensure that it has a good scent, and that it is regularly repaired. So, visitors must understand the importance of mosques and the sincere meaning they occupy in the hearts of Muslims, and respect that.

Take off your shoes before you enter Muslims take off their shoes every time they enter a mosque. They expect visitors to follow their lead and show the same respect when they enter a mosque.

Wear a head cover

Muslim women cover up during prayer. Their traditional dress covers their hair and is wide, non-transparent, and long sleeved. It is respectful of non-Muslim women to also wear hi jab, a scarf that covers their heads when visiting a mosque, as it is a sign of respect.

Wear proper clothes

As mosques are sacred, it is not appropriate for either men or women to wear short clothes that show much skin. Long trousers and shirts ort-shirts are suitable for men, and maxi long-sleeved dresses, skirts and blouses or trousers and long-sleeved shirts with a headscarf are suitable for women. The dress must be moderate, in loose fitting clothing that covers the arms and legs, no shorts or sleeveless shirt for either gender is allowed.

Turn off your mobile

As Muslims go to mosques to worship God, there must be nothing that interrupts their practice. It is very disturbing to hear a phone ringing, or someone talking on the phone. So, Muslims and visitors must switch off their phones or put them on silent mode before entering a mosque.

Don’t leave any rubbish inside the mosque

Before you leave a mosque, make sure you didn’t leave any personal belongings behind.

More importantly, make sure that you left it as clean as it was, and that there is no rubbish left behind.

Don’t let your kids run or play inside the mosque

Kids are welcome inside mosques. They can join their parents while praying, or simply touring. Nevertheless, parents must make sure to inform their kids about appropriate manners inside mosques. They are not to make loud noises, run around or scream, as it disturbs Muslims and interrupts their worship. They also need to make sure that they leave it clean and neat.

Don’t eat or drink inside a mosque

Muslims don’t eat or drink inside mosques. It is not forbidden, but they fear affecting its cleanliness and tidiness. However, on some occasions they gather in mosques, bringing sweets to share and to celebrate. These occasions include Ramadan, both Eids and social events like weddings. Everyone works together afterwards to clean up.

Don’t raise your voice 
Muslims look for peace as they worship God inside mosques. During your visit, make sure that you don’t make any noise, speak loudly, laugh hard or talk on the phone. Keep the calmness of the place intact, show respect and avoid idle talk. Mosque is the most beloved place to Allah on earth, if He were to sojourn on earth it will be in the Mosque. It is from the Mosque the light of Allah radiate or shine into the community. As-Sudd, in his interpretation of surah 24:35 posits that by the light of Allah the heavens and the earth are illuminated. This light is kindled, sustained and nourished from the Mosque through the azkar, sallah and other ordained worship activities in the Mosque both morning and evening. Allah thus commands us to raise the house (Mosque) so that His name may be remembered in them. He described the qualities of men who perform the function of building and glorifying His name in the Mosque and their rewards. See Qur’an 24:36-38.

4. Their women are covered, and not displaying themselves like in Al-Jahiliyyah (Pre-Islamic time of ignorance).

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu.

Sheikh (Prince) Suleman Momoh I. 
Takobi of Auchi Sacred Kingdom is the Executive Commissioner; Planning, Research, Statistics, Information andLibrary Services, National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), Abuja.



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